Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Welcome my dear friends...

Making time to do crafts isn't always easy. I have not been crafting much lately as it seems that my house manages to always become a mess immediately after I clean it. However, I have been thinking about Christmas quite a bit lately, probably due to the fact that my work has been playing Christmas music for the last 2 weeks. The point is, I thought I would share a few Christmas gifting and crafting ideas that I stole and thought would be fun to try or fun for you to try.

I stumbled upon these candles, made by non other than my mentor Martha Stewart of course, and thought they would be an easy way to make a plain white candle more than just a plain white candle. You can add your own touch, and although the picture has some of Martha's paper collages, you could do this with absolutely anything you wanted. If you can print it, you can make it. I thought, why not do something personalized to someone by doing an eiffel tower for instance? Paired with a name, monogram, or date of visiting mmmkay? (if you watch south park then you get this reference). Anyways, the possibilities are truly endless. The only "problem" is getting the printable decal paper. But moving on, here is the project!

Step 1
Print the candle decals. With an ink-jet printer, print one o martha's clip art designs or your own design onto a blank decal sheet.
You can download Mrs. Stewart's clip art from http://www.marthastewart.com/how-to/decorative-decal-pillar-candles?backto=true&backtourl=/photogallery/easy-holiday-crafts#slide_1

Step 2
Apply Decal to Candle
Spray it with 2 coats of clear varnish, letting varnish dry between coats. When decal is dry, cut to desired size and soak in a bowl of water for about 1 minute to loosen the paper backing. Carefully remove decal from water, and apply it to candle, peeling off backing as you go. Smooth decal with a paper towel, eliminating air bubbles and excess water. Let dry for approximately 3 hours.

That's it! How easy is that! Finish it off by tying some cute matching or contrasting ribbon around the candle and add a card or matchbox. There is a pattern for a matching matchbox should you care to make that as well. Just scroll back up to the link I posted in step 1.
 I would approximate your cost on this project as being like $4-12 for the candle depending on the size. I would try Walmart, they have like sets of 6, 6" candles for like $13, but up to you. I would also try TJMax and ROSS etc...
As for the decal paper you can get 10 sheets for $14 on amazon. I'll let you know if I find it in a store anywhere. 
So basically you are looking at about $5-$7 per candle? Not too shabby! 
Hope you enjoyed this little find. If I make on myself I will be sure to post it on here, and if you make on then you should post it on here! I want to see your creative skills ;)